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Family Hurricane Preparedness Checklist

Andy Murphy

Family Hurricane Preparedness Checklist | The Secure Dad | Hurricane Prepardness

Hurricanes are no joke. Trust me, I've lived through my share of them. Some have been category 5s others just 1s. Regardless you of the storms strength, you need to be ready. Below is my family hurricane preparedness checklist. The needs of every family are different, but this should be a good starting point for you.


- Water for drinking, one gallon per person, per day

- Zippy bags for “waterproofing” items

- Stock up on common sizes of batteries - AAA, AA, C, D and 9v

- Flashlights

- LED Lanterns

- Medicine for all family members

- Food for family members

- Food for pets

- Battery powered radio

- First Aid Kit

- Multipurpose tool

- Extra cash

- Rain gear

- Glow sticks (For light and fun.)

- Flairs

- Pocket or Swiss Army Knife

- Wet Wipes

- Duct Tape

- Plywood (Boarding up windows)

- Sandbags (blocking floodwaters)

- Power bank for emergency phone use

- Personal hygiene items

- Hand sanitizer

- Insect Repellant

- Trash bags

- Can opener

- Scissors

- Gloves

- Blankets

- Sunscreen

For the Home

- Fill bathtub with water for essential bathing

- Talk to your children about the storm and your plans

- Fill large pots with water for drinking/cooking

- Make fire extinguishers ready

- Create evacuation plan

- Close all doors during storm

- Strengthen garage door

- Charge batteries for power tools

- Store all lawn furniture

- Locate nearest shelter

- Tarps for roof damage

- Unplug electronics after power outage/before evacuation

- Turn off water, gas and electricity if evacuating

- Camera to document damage

- Board up windows (if necessary)

- Sandbag doorways (if necessary)

- Blankets

- Tarp and sand bag doors, low lying windows and garage door

- Secure firearms

- Crate or carrier for pets

- Emergency ladder

- Turn on weather alerts on smartphone

- Chargers for phones

- Change of clothes

- Activities for children

For the Car

- Fill up on gas

- Compass

- Jumper cables

- Air compressor

- Bottled water

- Food for all family members

- Cell phone charger

- Wipes

- Multitool

- Secure firearms

- Paper map of area (Print them if you need to)

- Extra clothes for all family members

- Crate or carrier for pets

- Sleeping bags

- Blankets

- Tarp

- Rain gear

- Credit card information

- Insurance information

- Baby supplies (diapers, formula, etc.)

Andy Murphy

Andy Murphy founded The Secure Dad in 2016 with the aspiration to help families live safer, happier lives. What started as a personal blog about family safety has turned into an award-winning podcast, an Amazon best-selling book, and online courses. He focuses his efforts in the areas of home security, situational awareness, and online safety.


Andy is a husband and father. His interests include coaching youth basketball, hiking, and trying to figure out his 3D printer.

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